A Ministry in Action!

Welcome to one of the most spirit-filled, spirit-led, task-organized national fellowship in the nation. Our purpose is twofold:

To assist small churches in developing programs and leadership skills so as to be effective workers and witnesses in their communities and beyond.

Once developed and effective, bring those churches together to do impact ministry on a national level in collaboration with other churches and supporting agencies to meet the spiritual and physical needs of God's people everywhere.

If you are a church that is in its infant stages of development or you would like to be part of a growing and caring fellowship that will assist you in achieving your vision, goals and objectives, while participating in national ministry, we welcome you with open arms and a warm heart. To learn more, click on our About Us link and contact us at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!

May the Lord bless you and guard you while His face continue to shine upon you.

Bishop Dr. Willie J. Moore Presiding Prelate